About Me

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When I'm not too busy daydreaming, I'm an interesting but rather quite ordinary girl - but those are the best ones haha no drama. I am looking to broadcast my ideas and opinions just to get a response and really to learn to speak my mind. I hoping to become a solicitor in the future and master in my new found hobbies of Tennis and Photography.

Thursday 30 June 2011

Life is like a..... sweet apple tree filled with snakes?

So with all the enthusiasm I started off with, it is merely my second post and already....I am distracted. Distracted from what you may ask? well just about everything I declared in my first post, 'a new me'. That would have involved me starting to write my songs and practising Tennis etc. All in aid of me becoming this better whole rounded person ¬ ¬ err yh so - not going at all well.

When the excitement of summer dies down hopefully Ill be able to settle down to it and tell you how well or not it has gone! It will be a nice documentary of it all in the end...if I stick to it.

A lot of people may think Its best to just free fly through life, satisfying their materialistic needs and to impress others in order to feel good about themselves. - but the real point is you cant enjoy life really until your fully happy with yourself and doing everything YOU want to do whilst happily knowing your weren't restricted because of your own laziness or refusal to put effort in but just one of the mishaps of life. The way I see it, be happy with yourself and the lows in life wont feel so low.
#Lets go baby

Friday 24 June 2011

In the beginning...

So In the beginning God made me and after 18 years of keeping low key - I have decided to push the boundaries I've spent years building. After all I am talented, just not in an obvious way (I've come to accept) and what a good way to explore my options openly than to post things I like doing on a blog. Just to clarify my options need exploring as my recently finished A2 exams did not go at all as planned and if I continue to pursue law I almost certainly will fail. So this is the beginning, where I'm gonna hopefully start the brand new me! Find a back up to the achieve the thing I want most.. A good life.
So, after all the promises to myself I have finally made a Blog! This is it! It will be something new and fulfilling in my life, to sit and write relevant but nonsense paragraphs in order to satisfy this random desire¬.... I get bored easy so lets not get too excited and lets see how it goes! As I said, Its only the beginning...

#Giving It All I Got! x